LIfe is just as good off the bike. Food and beverages revive the legs (and spirit) and evening activities, like a yoga session or a river swim, are a perfect precursor to a night spent outdoors.


Whether in a tent or under the stars, sleeping outside is one of the best parts of any Ramble Bikepacking trip. Our camp spots were developed in partnership with private land owners and we chose each location based on safety, access, and beautiful views.


Breakfast and dinner are provided by our wonderful camp hosts. Fresh food is standard and we do our best to source locally. Lunch and snacks can be purchased mid-ride as we pass through town(s). We carry a water filter and extra snacks, just in case.


Tea, kombucha, session IPA, chocolate milk — pick your favorite. Celebrating over a tasty beverage is essential to good hydration and swapping stories with riding buddies. We make sure your drink of choice is waiting for you as you roll into camp.



We use a portable composting toilet with a privacy screen, which is located a short walk from camp. Far enough to be private, close enough to be convenient. Using a composting toilet allows us to offer some creature comforts while also ensuring we Leave No Trace.


Evenings will feature a variety of activities that vary by group. Swimming, lounging, snacking, chatting, or yoga-ing are all valid post-ride activities. We’ll have a variety of options for you to engage with whenever and however you want.


Rain happens. Which is why we have a large canopy tent that we can set up over our cooking and dining area. If it’s going to rain, we might as well enjoy the show from the comfort of a huge tent. Thunderstorms are a different story and we have contingency plans in case of severe weather.